Thursday, August 21, 2008

did I tell you I moved to Ohio?

My place of employment makes up the work schedule for several weeks into the future. This is great for planning weekend trips, but kind of a bummer if you need a specific weekend off (it does, however, give you a lot of time to plan elaborate bribes in order to make other people give you their days off. Not that I would do that.). I am not sure what, exactly, led me to think about Rhinebeck, since I have never been, and I don't have any knitting friends, and I haven't really heard people out in blogland muttering about it yet, but it crossed my mind the other day. So, just out of curiosity, I looked it up, and what do you know? I have that weekend off work! I might go. It would be delicious.

Today was one of my days off this week, so I did what anyone else would do and stayed up too late last night designing a weird pair of colorwork mittens. I don't really have any yarn to knit them with, though, so I trolled Ravelry and bought the pattern for Bubbles (that's a Ravelry link, folks; my apologies if you're not a Raveler). I'm nearly finished with the first mitten and may just stay up and knit the second one too, I'm in that sort of mood, and I don't have to work tomorrow either.

At this point, I am painfully aware of the fact that this post would be way more entertaining with pictures. I'm going back to my mittens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I have photo challenges myself and, boy, is my blog the worse for it. Perhaps one day the camera fairy will come my way... or maybe I'll buy myself a nice little camera for the holidays... or Santa will bring me one... Until then, I'm lucky to have the crapola cam and (occasionally) enough lite to use it, as the flash has given up the ghost. C'est la vie, right?